Will My Breast Implants Start To Sag Over Time?

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Cosmetic surgery can certainly work wonders, but it is important to keep in mind that nothing can completely stop the aging process. Over time, the results of certain procedures may change due to the natural side effects of aging and other factors. Use this helpful information from board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) and the expert team at Jerry Chidester, MD Plastic & Hand Surgery in Draper, UT to learn more about how you can expect your breast implants to change over time and what options you have to restore your original outcome.

How long do breast implants last?

First and foremost, patients considering breast augmentation should have realistic expectations about their long-term results and understand that breast implants are not designed to be lifelong devices. The vast majority of patients will require some form of breast implant revision or replacement surgery at least once after their initial procedure. However, many patients enjoy their breast implants for up to a decade or longer before a second surgery may be needed. Some of the most common reasons for breast implant replacement or revision include:

  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant displacement
  • Implant rupture
  • Compromised implant
  • Change in personal preference
  • Patient desires different size/shape
  • Switch saline implants to silicone (or vice-versa)

Do breast implants get droopy?

One of the most compelling advantages of synthetic breast implants is that they hold their shape and volume over time, unlike natural breasts, which can change dramatically due to age, weight loss, breastfeeding, and other factors. However, it is critical that women considering breast implants understand that these same factors, while they don’t affect the implants themselves, can still change the overall look of their breasts over time. For example, skin laxity that occurs as a natural side effect of aging often contributes to sagging or drooping breasts. For patients with breast implants, the weight of the implants combined with a loss of skin elasticity may even exacerbate breast sagging.

The best ways to delay sagging and maintain your breast augmentation results for as long as possible include avoiding weight fluctuation, minimizing sun exposure, and waiting until you are done having children and breastfeeding before getting implants.

What happens if breast implants start to sag?

To help women who notice sagging breasts over time, Dr. Chiddy offers advanced mastopexy, or breast lift surgery. This popular procedure involves removing excess or stretched-out breast skin, tightening the remaining skin, and raising the breasts to a more youthful position on the chest wall. Oftentimes, the breast implants are also replaced during a breast lift for sagging. In certain cases, placing larger implants may be enough to fill out the breast pocket and create a perkier look without the need for mastopexy. During your initial consultation for breast implant revision, Dr. Chiddy will thoroughly assess your skin elasticity, breast position, and other factors to determine whether breast lift may be right for you.

Get the perky breasts you’ve always wanted with breast enhancement surgery in Salt Lake City, UT

With breast augmentation, breast lift, or another cosmetic breast surgery, women can achieve or restore a more youthful, feminine figure and boost their self-esteem. To learn more about the exciting transformations that are possible with breast enhancement surgery in Draper, UT, call Jerry Chidester, MD Plastic & Hand Surgery to schedule your private consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.