Where Does The Fat Come From For BBL Surgery?
Do you find yourself envying the curvy figures and plump rear ends of Hollywood celebrities and social media influencers? If you’re like most people, achieving this look on your own is virtually impossible, regardless of what special diet you follow or how many squats you do each day. For this reason, more and more patients are turning to the Brazilian butt lift each year to get the bigger, rounder buttocks they desire. How does BBL fat transfer work, and where does the fat come from? Use this helpful information from board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) and the award-winning team at Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery in Draper, UT to get a better understanding of the fundamentals of Brazilian butt lift.
How does Brazilian butt lift work?
Brazilian butt lift, commonly referred to as BBL, is an exciting butt enhancement surgery that involves harvesting fat from one area of a patient’s body and transferring it to the buttocks in order to sculpt a fuller, more attractive butt shape. During the procedure, which is typically performed using anesthesia and takes about 2 – 3 hours to complete, Dr. Chiddy will begin by removing excess fat from one or more areas of the patient’s body via liposuction. This fat is then separated and purified in a specialized centrifuge machine before being prepared in syringes for the final stage of the procedure. Using skill, precision, and artistry, Dr. Chiddy then meticulously injects the fat into the buttocks, layer by layer, performing massage between each layer to ensure a smooth, stunning, natural-looking result.
Where do they take fat from for BBL?
Most often, liposuction fat removal during BBL surgery is performed in one or more of the following areas:
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Lower back/flanks
- Thighs
The most appropriate site for fat harvesting will be determined based on how much excess fat is present, as well as the patient’s desired outcome overall. For example, if a patient is looking to dramatically enhance her butt shape, removing fat from the hips and flanks can help to trim the waist and further accentuate the butt. For patients who have concerns about stubborn fat in their tummy, removing fat in the abdomen and transferring it to the buttocks can solve two problems at once!
How much fat do you need for a BBL?
The amount of fat needed for BBL surgery can vary from patient to patient, depending on their body type, their desired outcome, and other factors. During your initial consultation for BBL in Greater Salt Lake City, Dr. Chiddy will examine your areas of concern, discuss your goals, and determine how much fat will need to be transferred to help you achieve the look you want.
What if I am too thin for BBL surgery?
While the majority of patients do have enough excess fat for BBL surgery, some extremely thin men and women may be better candidates for butt augmentation with implants. It is important to note that gaining weight before BBL surgery is not advised unless the patient is able and willing to maintain the weight gain after surgery. Losing weight after BBL surgery can significantly impact or even reverse your results.
Look and feel like a star with Brazilian butt lift surgery in Salt Lake City, UT
If you have exhausted your efforts in the gym without much change in your butt, BBL surgery may be right for you. To learn more about the exciting possibilities of Brazilian butt lift in Draper, UT, call the expert team at Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery to schedule your private consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today!