When Can I Stop Wearing A Bra After Breast Augmentation Surgery?
If one of your goals for breast augmentation surgery is to have full, perky breasts that look great even without a bra, you’re not alone. Many women considering breast augmentation dream of wearing their favorite clothes with no bra or simply ditching their bra for comfort’s sake. While it’s perfectly fine to go braless from time to time, wearing a bra actually serves an important purpose and can even keep your breasts looking their best for longer. At Jerry Chidester, MD Plastic & Hand Surgery in Draper, UT, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) helps women achieve the feminine, youthful, sexy look they want with a comprehensive range of breast enhancement surgeries, including breast augmentation. Review the information below to learn more about what to expect after your breast augmentation and why wearing a bra as often as possible is important.
How long is recovery after breast augmentation?
The length of your breast augmentation recovery will depend on a number of personal factors, including:
- The type of breast augmentation performed
- Where the breast implants are placed (above or under the muscle)
- Your overall health
- The rate at which your body heals
- How closely you follow breast augmentation aftercare instructions
Generally speaking, most women plan to take about 1 – 2 weeks off of work after breast augmentation surgery. Strenuous physical activity and exercise are typically off-limits for about 4 – 6 weeks. Once the majority of breast augmentation swelling resolves, which typically takes about 6 – 8 weeks, patients will begin to see their final results becoming apparent.
What kind of bra should I wear after breast augmentation surgery?
For the first 4 – 6 weeks following a breast augmentation, patients should be wearing a supportive medical bra around the clock, including while sleeping, to promote proper healing and provide added support. After this time, it may be safe and appropriate to begin wearing a soft, supportive bra of your own. Patients are encouraged to wait at least six weeks after their breast augmentation before wearing a bra with underwire.
When can I go braless after a breast augmentation?
Once you have fully healed and recovered from breast augmentation surgery, which can take 6 – 8 weeks or longer, it is acceptable to go without a bra from time to time. However, many patients find that wearing a bra is actually more comfortable and provides additional support for the newly added weight of their implants. Furthermore, wearing a bra – particularly when exercising or engaging in high-impact physical activities – helps to support the implants and may prevent or delay sagging, drooping, stretched-out skin, and other unwanted changes to your breasts over time. With a highly experienced plastic surgeon, proper breast augmentation aftercare, and supportive undergarments, your perky new look can last for years or even decades to come.
Think twice about ditching the bra after breast augmentation in Salt Lake City, UT
There’s no harm in going braless with implants from time to time, but it is important to understand the long-term benefits of wearing a bra to support your breast implants and keep them looking their best for as long as possible. To learn more about the exciting results that may be possible for you with breast augmentation surgery in Draper, UT, call Jerry Chidester, MD Plastic & Hand Surgery to schedule your private consultation with renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today.