Tummy Tuck Surgery: Your Road to Recovery
Abdominoplasty, also known as the Tummy Tuck, is a fantastic treatment option for men and women who are interested in restoring firmness to their midsection. The efficacy and safety of this procedure are reflected in the numbers; more than 125,000 American’s have undergone abdominoplasty each year for the past several years. While the excitement of impending results (Hello, better body!) takes center stage, many patients also experience slight apprehension about their tummy tuck. Specifically, patients have questions about the recovery process.
There is no benefit in being vague about tummy tuck recovery. Without clear, transparent information, patients may imagine that recovery will be barely tolerable. This creates unnecessary stress. Here, we want to portray tummy tuck recovery as it really is for most patients. Additionally, we offer a few suggestions that can make your recovery much more comfortable.
What is Recovery Really Like?
Because skin and muscle tissue are tightened during a tummy tuck, it will take a few days for elasticity to accommodate standing upright. That’s right; you may be slightly bent over for a short while. This doesn’t mean that you will be in intense pain, though. Patients are strongly encouraged to take prescribed pain medication on a schedule. Taking medication in this manner prevents unnecessary discomfort and anxiety.
While patients can overestimate the degree of discomfort they may experience after tummy tuck (not much at all when you take your pain medication), there is a tendency to underestimate how surgery can affect emotions. There is no clear indicator of what presents emotional stress after surgery, but evidence suggests it is common. Knowing this helps our patients feel more comfortable that they are having a perfectly normal experience.
How to Improve Your Recovery
There are several tips we could suggest for post-operative care, but one stands out as essential.
Get help.
The best way to prepare for your tummy tuck is to start building your support team as early as possible, and not just physical support. Having people around you who understand and support your decision for surgery can alleviate a lot of stress. Building your team of helpers also prepares you for the fact that you will need help – a lot of help. You will want someone to cook. Someone will need to care for children and pets and houseplants. Someone will need to help you to the bathroom for the first few days. The degree of help you may need could create stress if it isn’t expected. We want you to be prepared in every way, so would rather overstate how much help you will need than set you up for frustration.
A tummy tuck can be the best gift you ever give yourself. To learn more, call our Draper office at (801) 455-1914.