Should You Wait To Wear Jeans After Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

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Anxious to get back into your favorite jeans and sexiest leggings after Brazilian butt lift surgery? Not so fast! You may be surprised to learn that tight-fitting clothing can actually hinder the healing process and compromise your final BBL results. Use this valuable information from acclaimed, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) and the expert team at Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery in Draper, UT to make sure your wardrobe is prepared for Brazilian butt lift recovery.

How does Brazilian butt lift work?

Often referred to simply as BBL surgery, the Brazilian butt lift involves removing fat from one area of the body via liposuction and transferring it to the buttocks in order to achieve a fuller, rounder, more curvaceous butt shape. The Brazilian butt lift is ideal for men and women who are hoping to enhance both the size and shape of their buttocks and have unwanted fat they’d like to trim from another location. It is important to note that BBL surgery is not designed to remove loose skin on the butt. For patients who are primarily concerned about a wrinkled or sagging butt, traditional butt lift surgery may be a more suitable option.

How long is BBL recovery?

Patients considering BBL surgery in Greater Salt Lake City should keep in mind that there are two treatment sites that will need to heal after surgery: the area where liposuction was performed, and of course, the butt. Following the procedure, BBL patients will need to wear a compression garment to minimize swelling and promote proper healing at the liposuction site. Additionally, patients must take great care to avoid putting direct pressure on the buttocks, as this can cause the newly transferred fat cells to perish, significantly affecting the final cosmetic outcome of BBL. This means patients will need to sleep on their stomach and use special pillows or other devices to take the weight off the butt while sitting and driving.

In the majority of cases, patients are able to return to work about 1 – 2 weeks after BBL surgery, though modified sitting techniques and compression garments are still required. Strenuous physical activity and exercise should be avoided for at least 4 – 6 weeks. Once the majority of BBL swelling has resolved, which can take up to 2 – 3 months, patients will begin to notice their stunning new figure taking shape.

When can I wear jeans and leggings after BBL?

While you may begin to feel more like yourself after just a few weeks, it is critical to avoid wearing jeans, leggings, and other tight-fitting clothing after BBL surgery. These items can place significant pressure and strain on the newly transferred fat cells, preventing them from establishing a blood supply in the buttocks. Furthermore, patients may be left with long-lasting indentations, asymmetry, or other cosmetic defects if tight clothing or jeans are worn too soon after Brazilian butt lift.

For most patients, jeans can safely and comfortably be worn about 2 – 3 months after BBL surgery. During your postoperative follow-up appointments, Dr. Chiddy will closely monitor your healing process and let you know when it is appropriate to start wearing your preferred clothing styles again. Until that time, patients are encouraged to wear loose-fitting clothing, such as sweatpants or pajama pants, to maximize comfort and minimize risks.

Do I qualify for Brazilian butt lift surgery?

Patients considering Salt Lake City BBL surgery should be:

  • In good health
  • At a healthy, stable weight with a normal BMI (around 30)
  • Nonsmoker
  • Have enough available excess fat for transfer
  • Committed to maintaining a stable weight after BBL

Wearing jeans after BBL surgery in Draper, UT will be worth the wait!

Following proper BBL aftercare guidelines, including wearing loose-fitting clothing and avoiding pressure to the buttocks, can help to ensure gorgeous, long-lasting results you’ll be able to show off with pride! To learn more about the transformative possibilities of BBL surgery in Draper, UT, call Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery to schedule your one-on-one consultation with award-winning, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.