Is Your Skin Too Loose For Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?
There’s little doubt that one of the most in-demand physical features today is a full, round butt. With celebrities, social media influencers, and fitness personalities all showing off a curvier backside these days – which can be extremely challenging to achieve naturally – more and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery to plump up their rear ends. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) and the exceptional team at Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery offer the cutting-edge Brazilian butt lift procedure in Draper, UT to help men and women get the full, sexy figure they desire. Learn more about this exciting procedure here, including what makes someone a good candidate for BBL.
How does a Brazilian butt lift work?
Also known as BBL, the Brazilian butt lift is a highly beneficial body contouring procedure that utilizes fat grafting to increase the volume and improve the overall shape of the buttocks. During the procedure, Dr. Chiddy will begin by harvesting fat from another area of the patient’s body via liposuction, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. Once the fat has been purified in a specialized centrifuge machine, it will be prepared for transfer in syringes. Dr. Chiddy will then strategically inject fat into the patient’s buttocks in thin, precise layers. By massaging and manipulating the fat between each layer, Dr. Chiddy is able to sculpt a smooth, even, stunning new shape.
Does BBL tighten skin?
Although its name implies otherwise, a Brazilian butt lift is not a traditional lift procedure, such as a thigh lift, which involves removing excess skin and tightening the area. Instead, the primary purpose of BBL surgery is to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. Oftentimes, BBL can produce a more lifted, firm appearance as a result of the skin being filled out with the transferred fat. However, ideal candidates for Brazilian butt lift should have fairly good skin elasticity to achieve their desired outcome.
Is my butt too saggy for BBL?
For men and women with a noticeably sagging, droopy, or deflated butt, traditional butt lift surgery may be a more appropriate option. During butt lift surgery, loose hanging skin is removed, and the remaining skin is lifted and tightened to create a firmer, perkier, more natural-looking butt shape. During your initial consultation for butt lift surgery in Greater Salt Lake City, Dr. Chiddy will evaluate your concerns, assess your skin elasticity, and determine whether butt lift, BBL, or other procedure may best help you achieve your ultimate goals.
Am I too skinny for Brazilian butt lift?
While the majority of men and women have enough extra fat on their body to use in BBL surgery, some patients may, in fact, be too thin for the procedure. For patients with an exceptionally low body fat percentage, butt augmentation with glute implants can be used as an alternative to BBL surgery.
Who qualifies for BBL surgery?
Good candidates for Brazilian butt lift surgery should be:
- Healthy
- At a stable, healthy weight
- Nonsmoker
- Have enough fat available for BBL
- Desire more volume and shapeliness in their butt
- Prefer a more natural alternative for butt augmentation
- Committed to maintaining a stable weight after BBL
- Have realistic expectations for their results
Get the round, plump butt you’ve always wanted with Brazilian butt lift in Draper, UT
If you have followed a dedicated fitness and nutrition regimen to no avail, you may still be able to get the curvy butt you’ve been hoping for. To learn more about the incredible results that are possible with BBL in Draper, UT, and to find out if you may be eligible for surgery, call Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today!