Breast Reduction Surgery Is More Than You May Imagine
Breast surgery conversations typically involve discussion of enhancement with breast implants. While trends have changed, breast augmentation continues to be one of the leading cosmetic surgery procedures among women of all ages. In recent years, we have seen a decrease in the degree of enhancement women are seeking. At the same time, we also see more interest in breast reduction.
Women who choose to reduce natural breast size do so for very personal reasons. Having breast proportions that harmonize with body type seems to make these patients feel more confident in their shape and certainly happier with it. Here, we discuss some of the details of breast reduction that may not be as widely known.
- Breast reduction can correct asymmetry. Every woman has asymmetrical breasts. Most of the time, the discrepancy is so minor that it is not obvious to the untrained eye. More substantial asymmetry is often corrected with breast implant surgery. However, women who are interested in breast reduction can also improve the balance in size and shape of each breast.
- The areolas can also be reduced. Breast reduction surgery doesn’t have to stop at the precise excision of fatty breast tissue. When necessary, we can also address the colored skin around the nipples. By reducing the areolas, the overall appearance of the breast can improve.
- Breast lift surgery might just be breast reduction’s BFF. When the breasts are oversized, there is greater pull on the skin. When moderate to severe laxity exists, breasts may appear to sag even more after reduction. Lifting the breasts and overlying skin after the removal of fatty tissue is the best way for some women to achieve optimal results.
Not all women dream of more prominent breasts. We understand the frustration that patients feel when their overall frame is overtaken by large breasts. Undergoing breast reduction can lead to improved confidence, improved satisfaction, and improved physical comfort.
Is it time to take the next step in getting the body that was meant for you? We’re happy to help. To learn more about breast reduction surgery and what it can do for you, call our Draper office at (801) 455-1914.