Tips To Help You Prepare For Mommy Makeover Recover

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A new wardrobe and beaming self-confidence aren’t the only things awaiting you after mommy makeover surgery, though they are certainly some of the most exciting changes to look forward to! Before you’ll be able to fully enjoy your new figure, you’ll need to complete the mommy makeover healing and recovery stages, which can be fairly extensive depending on the details of your procedure. Renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester (aka Dr. Chiddy) and the award-winning team at Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery are committed to helping patients get back to their favorite activities and start showing off their stunning new look as soon as safely possible after mommy makeover in Draper, UT. Use these beneficial tips from Dr. Chiddy to prepare yourself for a speedy, successful, and comfortable mommy makeover recovery.

What is mommy makeover?

Before diving into the specifics of mommy makeover recovery, it’s important to know a few basic facts about the procedure itself, including what it is, how it works, and what is included in mommy makeover surgery. Unlike other procedures, the mommy makeover is a fully customizable surgery that allows patients to pick and choose specific treatments and procedures that best match their needs. Most often, mommy makeover is used to help women restore their body after having children, though it can also be useful for patients who have experienced the unwanted side effects of weight loss or aging. Common procedures included in mommy makeover surgery are:

During your initial consultation for mommy makeover surgery in the Greater Salt Lake City area, Dr. Chiddy will take ample time to listen to your concerns, perform an examination, and discuss your desired outcome. With this information in mind, Dr. Chiddy will then create a custom-tailored surgical plan that most closely aligns with your goals.

How long is mommy makeover recovery?

The length of recovery after mommy makeover surgery can vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of the procedure, which treatments were performed, the patient’s overall health, and other factors. Generally speaking, most mommy makeover patients require about 2 – 3 weeks off of work after surgery. After this time, strenuous activity and exercise will still be off-limits for several more weeks or months. While most patients will notice an almost immediate improvement in their figure after surgery, the full results of mommy makeover may take up to 6 – 12 months to develop as postoperative swelling resolves and the tissues continue to heal and settle completely.

Mommy makeover tips for recovery

As you count down to your surgery day, it is critical that you plan for your recovery period accordingly. Not only does this mean scheduling time off work and lining up help around the house, but it is also essential that you understand what kind of clothing you’ll need to wear, what mommy makeover supplies to stock up on, and how long you’ll need to avoid certain activities.

Mommy makeover recovery tips

  • Allow for plenty of time to rest and recover
  • Line up help with the housework and care for the children
  • Eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated
  • Set up a comfortable area to relax
  • Plan to sleep on your back or in a recliner (for procedures including tummy tuck/breast enhancement)
  • Wear compression garments as instructed
  • Take all medications as directed
  • Follow incision and scar care instructions
  • Avoid heavy lifting, straining, and exercise
  • DO engage in light, frequent walks around the house to promote proper circulation
  • Attend all follow-up appointments

In addition to these tips, here are some of the most helpful mommy makeover must-haves to stock up on prior to surgery:

  • Compression garments (if recommended)
  • Loose, comfortable clothing that does not have to be pulled over the head
  • Healthy snacks and fluids
  • Recliner/pillows
  • Nursing pillow/donut (for fat transfer/BBL)
  • Incision/scar creams, ointments, and other products as recommended
  • Stool softeners
  • Household helper

With proper mommy makeover aftercare, patients can enjoy a successful recovery that leads to stunning, life-changing results.

Reshape your body with mommy makeover surgery in Draper, UT

Whether your figure has changed due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or the aging process, mommy makeover can help restore the slimmer, sexier, more feminine physique you desire. To learn more about the exciting possibilities of mommy makeover surgery and what to expect during your recovery period, call Jerry Chidester, M.D. Plastic & Hand Surgery in Draper, UT to schedule your private consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.